Our government has established the Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs to provide benefits for people who cannot work due to disability or illness.

Qualifying for benefits does not come automatically. The fact that your doctor or counselor thinks you are disabled is not enough. You must present evidence that your condition prevents you from working. What qualifies a person for SSD or SSI benefits? The rules are complicated and changing all the time. The Social Security Administration relies on its own rules, language, and system of complex forms to make these determinations. All of this is done without a claimant’s knowledge. Once denied, the only thing a claimant will see is the unfavorable decision.

Chihak + Chihak is a law firm that helps people obtain social security benefits. We have experience in all types of disability cases ranging from back pain to depression, including hard to measure symptoms. Our firm has helped thousands of people get the benefits they need, and we want to help you.

Call us toll free at (888) 723-4141 to schedule a free consultation.

Qualifying Conditions and Illnesses

Some of the qualifying physical conditions and illnesses include:

  • Back pain
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic pain
  • And many others

Some of the qualifying mental conditions include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Bi-polar disorder
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder
  • And many others

If you do not see your condition on the above lists, do not worry. Chihak + Chihak understands the guidelines the Social Security Administration uses. If we think you qualify, we will use every possible means to obtain SSD or SSI benefits for you.

One Condition — Or an Array of Conditions

Often a condition such as severe back pain can lead to depression or other complications.

In these situations it is important to identify all of conditions that are contributing to your inability to work. If one condition in itself does not qualify you, that condition in combination with others may.

Chihak + Chihak has a network of doctors and medical specialists who can evaluate your conditions and provide evidence to support your claim. We will work through all stages of the process if necessary, to get the benefits you need and deserve.
Contact an SSD and SSI Benefits Attorney

For a free initial consultation with Chihak + Chihak, call toll free (888) 723-4141 or send us an e-mail.

Social Security Disability is all we do.

Your case comes first. Unlike other law firms who dabble in Social Security Disability, we do not practice personal injury, worker’s compensation or any other area of law.

With Chihak + Chihak, you never have to worry about a big car accident lawsuit or workplace injury case taking our attention away from you and your disability claim.

Let's Talk

"I wasn't afraid to reach out to ask questions- they work for you and want you to be informed."

Victor V. | Tacoma

"They made the process manageable and offered guidance every step of the way."

Gabby | Seattle

"They treated me like I was there only client. Forget the rest and get the BEST!"

Howard | Seattle