Social Security Disability is all we do. It is all we have done for 20 years. Our focus on this mission has resulted in over 10,000 of our hard-working clients getting approved for the disability benefits they have earned and deserve.

These are a few of their stories.
Jeffrey's Portrait


Jeffrey’s journey to get disability benefits was a tough one. In 2016, he found himself battling severe pancreatitis and crippling migraine headaches. The Fight for SSDI He had tried getting SSDI benefits before. He first applied on June 29, 2014, but was denied that September. They turned him down again in December. Court Day Not

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The Challenge Joanne’s battle for her SSDI claim is one that resonates with many. In 2014, after dedicating 15 tireless years at Wal-Mart, her life took a sudden turn. Her debilitating health challenges – diabetes, arthritis, a fractured ankle, and retinopathy – made not just working, but even everyday tasks, an excruciating ordeal. She could

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Gill’s struggle to get disability benefits began in 2013 and was fraught with denials and challenges. His severe physical and emotional health issues made everyday life and work incredibly difficult. The Fight for SSDI Gill first applied for SSDI benefits on November 22, 2013. Unfortunately, his claim was denied on February 8, 2014, and again

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At the hearing, Brandie testified that she was in special education and was unable to get past the 8th grade in school. She testified that she had never been able to work because of her severe mental health impairments

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Gordon became disabled by marked bilateral temporal lobe atrophy, left greater than right, frontal atrophy of an unknown etiology, left knee osteoarthritis, cognitive disorder not otherwise specified, and major depressive disorder.

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Bill testified that he has a pacemaker, but it has not helped improve his functioning.

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Battling severe medical conditions and initial denials, Lisa finally secured her disability benefits, thanks to attorney John J. Chihak and strong evidence from multiple healthcare providers.

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Have You Been Denied?
Need to start your initial claim?

Wherever you are in the disability claims process, we want to speak with you. Connect with us today to speak with John or Robyn about how we can help you. At Chihak + Chihak, we will treat you like family.